Poem: Carry On

Carry On If you must carry on, give your Self the tools, it is worth all the while. Place your worries here, inside of the coffin, rise from the dead, now create more often. Here’s your second chance, or perhaps, it is your third, the wind is swiftly calling, why haven’t you heard? There is … Read morePoem: Carry On

Life With Gratitude

A Challenge To Our Egos For this challenge you’ll need a journal, notebook, or planner, and a writing tool. (Or simply your phone notes app!) Write out some things that you are grateful for each day. I prefer doing this while I’m drinking my morning coffee. There is no time limit to this challenge, but … Read moreLife With Gratitude

Poem: The Fool’s Wisdom

The Fool’s Wisdom One who leaps forward without looking down, carries his courage in a bag he once found. Thinks to himself in thoughts of plenty, searches for the answers in books too many. Falls with a smile, his pride still in tact, he planned his own death without an attack. Those who look onward … Read morePoem: The Fool’s Wisdom

Acknowledge Your Gifts

Acknowledging My Gifts And Why It took Me So Long The other day, I was meditating and contemplating the next steps in my journey. I’ve been heeding the call to slow down my life, at least for the next couple of months, until I have more clarity and direction from the Holy Spirit. This is … Read moreAcknowledge Your Gifts

Consistency Equals Impact

Night Sky Photo by Angie M.V.

Unleash Your Power I think we often forget how much power we truly possess. Even if we don’t think we are “forgetting” our power, we can be distracted from it. These distractions can keep us away from enhancing and using our abilities. Daily life requires us to multi-task and juggle many human responsibilities. We may … Read moreConsistency Equals Impact

Poem: In Love With Life

In Love With Life In love with life No matter the time, No matter the telephone lines In the way of blue skies. Technology made me better, Friends that aren’t fair weather, No rain on my parade, Motivation to keep my upgrades. When mountains peek through, Snow top and God’s view, There’s nothing left to … Read morePoem: In Love With Life

Poem: Be The Dancing Flame

Flame Dance Artwork by Angie M.V.

Be the Dancing Flame Service to humanity requires sacrifice, a flame lit in the darkest of all nights. The match you might have to strike, may be the one that causes paralyzing fright. What’s more frightening than not doing what is right? Keeping yourself warm with insecurity, that’s holding yourself hostage, not security. Who told … Read morePoem: Be The Dancing Flame

Poem: Our Earth Is Our Gold

This Earth “This Earth is not ours/ We cannot claim land we do not own/ Here it is shared space/ Amongst birds, trees, and Unknown/ Here we are given gifts/ Given opportunities to stand on our own/ Given Love from above/ Given the freedom to roam/ Mother Earth owes us nothing/ Mother Earth only provides/ … Read morePoem: Our Earth Is Our Gold

Poem: Out of Shadow

Out of Shadow On the path towards freedom, towards balance, and Light, on the way out of Shadow and paralyzing fright, we may find ourselves entangled in the illusions of the Mind. In these moments, breathe, your heart, relatively easy to find beating wildly underneath Uncertainty’s hide. We’ve become aware of our surroundings, and now … Read morePoem: Out of Shadow
