My “Healing Journey” Experience

The Healing Journey

Faith, The Only Fuel We Need In September 2022 the Almighty God nudged me to take The Healing Journey class, a unique Bible study created by Cyndy Sherwood, founder of His Healing Light Ministries. After hearing an announcement at my church for this women’s study and restoration opportunity, I honestly did not want to inquire … Read moreMy “Healing Journey” Experience

Poem: Freedom Awaits

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; Isaiah 61:1 KJV Freedom Awaits All praise … Read morePoem: Freedom Awaits

Poem: The One Almighty

Hello! I pray you’ve been well. 🙂 I’ve been trying to get into the groove of painting by hand again. I like digital art, but (in my humble opinion) digital art is not as soothing watching paint flow on paper. The anticipation of seeing your painting when it has dried is also satisfying! I recommend … Read morePoem: The One Almighty

Poem: Focus On God-given Vision

Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Focus On God-given Vision Be careful not to exchange truth for False realities and lies. Do not let the enemy plant seeds of Doubt and fear in your mind. Listen to what is clear, Discern your … Read morePoem: Focus On God-given Vision

Poem: Retrieving Truth

Retrieving Truth A plateau season. I couldn’t find the reason Until I dug up old memories once more And decided to crack open that door. There was light in the darkness! But how? The thought loomed annoyingly. And why? I felt doomed sporadically. There were no answers in magick books or in quiet brooks within … Read morePoem: Retrieving Truth

Poem: Breath of Life

Breath of Life The Ruach Ha’Qodesh met me when I had nothing, but trembling in my bones. Oh, my soul was seeking something I did not know could be possible. Darkness had consumed my flesh, the light was fleeing from my eyes. A heavenly surprise to awake from sleeping to breathing in the Ruach of … Read morePoem: Breath of Life

Armor Up, End Time Warriors!

A Little Backstory I was in elementary school when my mother taught me and my siblings to put on our Armor of God. Sometimes we would pretend to put this “invisible” armor on, but usually my mother would read us a Bible story and bless our heads before going to sleep. Religion was my introduction … Read moreArmor Up, End Time Warriors!

Poem: The Most High’s Victory

The Most High’s Victory He sits upon Zion, my Father and His throne, With eagles and angels as the guides of His home. With eyes that see everything and a mind that knows all, He watches the universe, now watches men fall. From mighty to lowly, from the North to the East, From those on … Read morePoem: The Most High’s Victory