Facing Fear With Purpose

The Days of Fear Took Me Here Early in the years of my spiritual journey, I wasn’t fully aware of what I was capable of. I felt completely alienated from who I thought I was. I felt isolated by thoughts of “what ifs”, “but whats”, and “I can’t do that!” Fear used to be a … Read moreFacing Fear With Purpose

Poem: 2021: A Reflection of Self

2021: A Reflection of Self Who have I become after all of my pain? Has it shaped the way I put love on display? Has it made me into a better friend? It has showed me who will be there in the end. I’ve uninstalled the old versions of myself, The Matrix, The Church, The … Read morePoem: 2021: A Reflection of Self

Poem: Inner Artist

Artwork by Angie M.V.

A poem and piece of art for all of those who know their purpose is to create and share their wonderful mind. Don’t give up because you feel your work isn’t needed. Art is healing, art is universal, art is meant to be shared, art is innate. This world needs more faith-centered creators. The world … Read morePoem: Inner Artist

Poem: Carry On

Carry On If you must carry on, give your Self the tools, it is worth all the while. Place your worries here, inside of the coffin, rise from the dead, now create more often. Here’s your second chance, or perhaps, it is your third, the wind is swiftly calling, why haven’t you heard? There is … Read morePoem: Carry On

Poem: Wielding Light

Angelic Realms Artwork by Angie M.V.

Artwork inspired by Golden Energy felt by the Sun and the Light felt in Angelic Realms. Prophetic Messages In times of uncertainty, us Light workers must stand our ground against forces that wish to separate, imbue violence, and muddy our thinking. Protect your energy. Hold on to your Faith. Let go of the “need to … Read morePoem: Wielding Light

Poem: Be The Dancing Flame

Flame Dance Artwork by Angie M.V.

Be the Dancing Flame Service to humanity requires sacrifice, a flame lit in the darkest of all nights. The match you might have to strike, may be the one that causes paralyzing fright. What’s more frightening than not doing what is right? Keeping yourself warm with insecurity, that’s holding yourself hostage, not security. Who told … Read morePoem: Be The Dancing Flame

Poem: Out of Shadow

Out of Shadow On the path towards freedom, towards balance, and Light, on the way out of Shadow and paralyzing fright, we may find ourselves entangled in the illusions of the Mind. In these moments, breathe, your heart, relatively easy to find beating wildly underneath Uncertainty’s hide. We’ve become aware of our surroundings, and now … Read morePoem: Out of Shadow
