Dallas Botanical Gardens Photo by Angie M.V.

Reminder: Remain Present

In Awareness of the Game

Your life will pass you by whether you engage in your passions, or procrastinate.

Each choice you make has the ability to propel you forward, or push you backward.

We are only given what we can handle in this moment, regardless of where we’re meant to be by the end of our lifetime.

We can choose to accept where we are now, or resist the truth of where we are now.

The strongest people utilize their current circumstances to gain wisdom and not sympathy.

To come back to the present moment, take 5 deep breaths and put your hand on your heart. You are alive right now.

Do not compare someone else’s “present moment” to your own because then life passes you by even quicker.

Stay in control of your emotions, but do not judge them as they carry important soul data.

The game is the same, yet we are on different difficulties. We can play within our created levels, or choose to (re-)build a unique world.

What World Are You Creating?
Photo taken by Angie M. Vargas at the Dallas Botanical Gardens. July 2019.

Where Else Are You But Here?

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
