Encouragement and Prayer for Homemakers

Gratitude is Essential to Serve God and Family

As homemaking, Christian women, we can often strive to be like the Proverbs 31 woman. After all, she is strong, trustworthy, family-oriented, hardworking, kind, and wise. Her husband praises her for all her efforts, and she’s admired by her children. We can praise God for giving us such a wonderful example of Biblical femininity and dedication!

The Proverbs 31 woman is quite the inspiration for women who desire to serve God and their family. However, when we begin to feel like we don’t measure up (or will never measure up) to her high and godly standards, it can lead us down a road of thought and emotion we won’t want to follow.

In our momentary lapse of weakness, the enemy may try to get us to compare ourselves to other Christian wives, mothers, and homemakers to gain some sort of validation. The enemy doesn’t want us to find joy in our homemaking skills and wants us to seek approval from others rather than from God. When we begin to focus on our shortcomings, flaws, and frustrations more than on our strengths and accomplishments as a Christian homemakers, it’s essential we turn back to the simplicity of gratitude. Comparison will only steal our joy while gratitude will bring us closer to experiencing joy and finding peace in our difficult circumstances.

Focusing on the positive aspects of our day will bring us back to what really matters. As homemakers we set the tone for our households and our children. Our daily work is important and vital to the family unit. We know as wives or mothers that the job never ends. There will always be something to do and someone to serve, and that is why we must do it well – if not for ourselves and our family, then for the glory of God. He is the one who has blessed us with every good gift we have. Whether we’re grateful for our home, a meal, time spent with our little ones, or an unexpected dose of laughter and encouragement, keeping our heart centered on gratitude and faith keeps us from spiraling into negative thinking and comparison.

Without a clear focus on God and gratitude, we will begin to feel defeated by our everyday routines and tasks. Doing the laundry may start to feel like climbing a mountain, loving our husbands may start to feel like a chore rather than a privilege, washing the dishes may begin to irritate us, and the endless meal prepping and cooking may become so overwhelming that we find ourselves eating out more or settling for less than nutritious meals for our family. Sometimes balance and joy can be hard to find, especially when we aren’t feeling good about ourselves and there seems to be a lack of praise from family members. But it’s important not to lose sight of God’s love and grace during these very human moments of weakness and tiredness.

There is grace for us when we falter in our homemaking and grace for us when we forget to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide our words. There is grace for us in every situation as a Christian woman doing her best to serve God and her family. Our Heavenly Father sees our daily efforts and knows our heart’s intentions. He appreciates the time we spend loving Him and everyone who steps foot into our home.

If today is one of those hard, homemaking days, I encourage you to take a few minutes to simply be grateful. Put your focus back on what you do have, what God has done for your family, and what you have accomplished in His strength. You can even do this while hiding in the bathroom from your children or pets! You can write these things in a journal, type them out on a notes app, or say a few things you’re grateful for in this moment. It can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, but remember to keep your focus on the good things. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you think of a few reasons to be grateful if you’re brain is feeling a little foggy. Sometimes adding humor and putting on worship music will less your emotional burdens and give you enough strength to continue working diligently. And there is no shame in taking a break here and there! We aren’t machines. We are women!

Don’t underestimate the power of having faith and gratitude during your time spent homemaking and caring for those you love. Even when everything seems to be going wrong and time seems to be running out to finish those to-do lists, remember to let your mind be still from time to time. Trust and believe that God is with you and for you. His grace is sufficient. And while the Proverbs 31 woman is amazing in her own ways – she could never be who God uniquely created you to be for your family.

A Prayer for Homemakers

Dear God,

Thank You for the opportunity to work at home, spend time with my loved ones, and use my gifts for a greater purpose. Thank You for providing my family with all we need today. Help me to be grateful for the time I get to spend with my family. Help me to find joy in the simple things and peace in Your loving presence. Rescue me when I am feeling weak emotionally or spiritually. Remind me that You will be my strength and refuge. Remind me that Your grace is sufficient. Let me step into the fullness of who I am in You as a homemaker. I rebuke the lies of the enemy about my worth and my work. I refuse to feel guilty for doing my best. My work is valuable in Your eyes and to my household. Thank You for teaching me how to rest when I need to. I will continue to serve my home and love like You. I will be a blessing to my husband (and children) today just like the Proverbs 31 woman. I am unique, strong, and able to accomplish Your good purposes as a homemaker. Thank You, Lord!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I am grateful for the blue sky and clouds! 🙂

Copyright 2024 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
