Poem: The Calling By The Streams

The Calling By The Streams

Jesus is calling,

I hear Him by the streams.

There is a love I want to know,

But dare I take a peep?

My heart has been shattered,

Like glass – you can tell,

It’s in the way I carry my voice,

My shell, myself.

“Come closer,” he says

With a grin on His face,

“I promise I won’t hurt you.

Child, will you stay?”

I take a glimpse at the mountain,

I take a hold of my stone,

My heart unrecognizable,

But His love brings me hope

That I can let go.

I can give Him the pieces,

One by one.

He will give me a heart of flesh,

Renew my inner flow,

What once was lost can be found,

It’s up to me to

Take the path now…

Behind The Poetry

On May 17, 2024 I attended a women’s Healing Journey Retreat for the first time and experienced what it was like to room with 3 God-fearing women in a cabin with traces of cell phone signal. On May 19, 2024, I left the retreat feeling an overwhelming sense that God was healing the parts of me I couldn’t see, couldn’t touch, and couldn’t put my finger on.

For those unfamiliar with the Healing Journey Retreat, this particular faith-based retreat is for students (men and women) who have taken the Healing Journey Bible study class, either recently or in the past. These retreats are gender specific and entail time in the Word, time in worship, time in fellowship, and time seeking the Lord in deep prayer. Some retreats are held virtually, but the one I attended was held at a Christian camping site dedicated to bringing glory to the Most High God.

“The Calling By The Streams” was written during a particular time of worship and visual prayer on May 18, 2024. That morning we were asked to clear the barriers between us and Jesus Christ, which included confessing our sin and removing any barriers of pride, rebellion, judgment, and doubt.

As I sat next to an old piano inside the camp site chapel with instrumental music playing from the speakers, I felt led to start writing these words. With trees dancing in the wind and a few tears rolling down my cheek, the Lord Jesus Christ came to me in a vision. The vision was faint, but vivid enough for me to see with eyes closed.

The old piano I was sitting next to in the chapel during prayer. Colorado, USA

I saw a river stream in an open field with a mountain in the distance. It felt like early summer in this vision, and as I stood by the moving streams, I could hear Jesus Christ calling out to me. I felt His presence next to me as I closed my eyes and tried to keep focus without absolutely bawling on the floor. If you’ve ever encountered His Holy Spirit, you may understand the feeling of His Holy and mighty presence. I jotted down as many words as I could flow with in my journal within the 20 minute time span and out came “The Calling By The Streams” poem.

Before heading to our small groups to share our prayer time experience, I threw away my tear-stained tissues and took a deep breath. The enemy did not want me to share this poem with the women in my small group. It was written messily and quickly, and I didn’t understand what God was showing me through these words. However, I pushed past my doubt and discomfort and shared this poem with my small group. God, being the loving Father He is, confirmed to me (once again) through these 8 women that I have to stop doubting the gifts He has given me to share with others.

The reading of this poem blessed my small group, and I pray it will bless you if you are in a season of healing, searching, and waiting. Keep putting your trust and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves you and cares for you. He will be with you through the emotional tidal waves and uncertainty. Don’t give up on the promises of God, even if it hurts in the moment to keep moving forward. Continue to break down the barriers hindering you from walking in purpose.

Healing never goes the way we expect and never goes the way we plan. Perhaps it is better that way for a divine reason. I trust that the Most High God has planned a fantastic future for me, and He will not forsake me as I step into the new things He is springing forth.

Although it can be a struggle to fight against the remnants of unbelief stuck in my system, I know whatever I’m leaving behind during this part of my healing journey will be for the better. There is a purpose behind every tear I have shed, and because this world needs more Light – I have chosen to answer the One who calls me by name.

Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)
Pikes Peak in the distance through trees and nature trails. Colorado, USA

Copyright 2024 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
