Encouragement & Poem: The God of All Comfort

Seek Comfort in God, Not the Temporary World

It may not seem fair to have to live a fallen world where each of us will have to experience suffering and hardship regardless of our income, age, the posture of our heart, or the amount of faith we have in God. It can be a harsh reality to live in! We may even start to question God’s Sovereignty.

It can be easy to spiral into spiritual darkness when all we want is peace, comfort, and love, but we are met with discord, uncertainty, and pain. It’s a challenging part of our spiritual journey to continue to trust in God’s plan when we’re facing hardship and losing faith. In all our trials, we must remember that God is the Overseer of our souls and the King of this universe. Regardless of the circumstances He calls for His Chosen warriors to be faith-filled, strong, and courageous.

Keep in mind our true treasure awaits in Heaven! God loves us dearly, so our suffering never goes unnoticed while we’re here on earth. God will teach us something about the world and ourselves as we navigate through the hardships of life. He promises to work everything out for the good of those who love Him. As we wait for His promise to be fulfilled, He gives us His Spirit to conquer enemies and find peace within the storm.

It’s normal to seek comfort during hard seasons in life. God understands this and offers us His comfort and peace whenever we seek it from Him. However, we must be careful because the world will try to sell us false comfort as well as false idols.

When we are stressed, in pain, or feel utterly disconnected from God, it can be tempting to go back to unhealthy coping mechanisms or try to run from Truth. It might satisfy us in the moment to get what we want and “need” from worldly sources, but we must understand that the world cannot offer lasting peace or joy. Eventually worldly “highs” wear off and we must face the reality of our suffering once more.

Fortunately, all suffering and tribulation will end when we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The trials we endure today are temporary. Worldly forms of comfort and escape are temporary, too. All things of this modern age will pass away in time, but the Kingdom of God and His love for us will remain for all eternity.

To have faith in this fallen world is to look to the God of all comfort when we are weary and to keep our eyes set on the permanent joy to come when we feel hopeless. May God always be our place of refuge, restoration, and rest.

Behind the Poetry

Inspired by 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, the poem below reflects the struggle to understand human suffering while remaining faithful to God. I pray that it’ll bless you if you’re currently going through a painful healing process or hard season in life.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (KJV)
“The God of all Comfort” Poetry Art by Angie M.V.

Poem: The God Of All Comfort

One glimpse, one peek,

Over at the human scene,

My eyes witness evil,

And all calamity!

One nation full of sin and stone

Pursues its victims into silence.

One nation lets the children starve

While household idols eat the finest.

One nation robs the other of peace,

So the women shout and scream.

One nation sends the poor to war

For a chance to earn gold sheen.

Where is Your Justice, Almighty One?

My Lord, I need Your guidance!

I need Your peace within this storm,

I am not strong, not the slightest!

My eyes are filled with tears again

For those without a voice.

The people mock Your Wisdom here,

Have You left them with no choice?

My soul, I feel has walked for miles,

Searching for Your Truth.

Why must we suffer here, my God,

While the wicked are without reproof?

Teach me how to thrive in chaos,

As I stay within your might.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit,

To overcome what I must fight.

This world has fallen further

From the love You have bestowed,

Be my Rock, my High Tower,

For I choose Your way to follow.

My Comforter, my Peace,

You are my Salvation!

The King of all the earth,

The Lord of all the nations!

Your plan for us outweighs the pain,

For that I remain grateful.

Forgive me, Lord, for my unbelief,

To You, I am faithful.

Copyright 2023 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
