Poem: Retrieving Truth

Retrieving Truth

A plateau season.

I couldn’t find the reason

Until I dug up old memories once more

And decided to crack open that door.

There was light in the darkness!

But how?

The thought loomed annoyingly.

And why?

I felt doomed sporadically.

There were no answers

in magick books or in quiet brooks within my mind.

None found in the winter wind, under the full moon,

in pages upon pages of self-help lies.

They were bandages in pretty colors,

Places to grow without sunshine,

Healing rooms with blinders,

Selfish concepts of precious time.

My heart wrestled with the truth

While my soul wept to receive it.

A voice awoke me like thunder

And told me to retrieve it!

“Seek and you will find,

Open your eyes and you will see.

Awaken the land and their hearts!

I’m calling you to Me!”

How could I have missed this?

The answers that I sought!

Given freely by the Son,

Nothing needed to be bought.

The Shepherd brought me back again,

Covered me on dangerous roads,

Then His servant immersed me in water,

And I declared Him as my Hope.

[Image Description: A view of Pikes Peak with a blue sky with wispy clouds] Photo by Angie M.V.

Behind The Poetry

This poetry piece is a reflection of the transformative process God has put me through. It’s a reminder that the overall journey must continue on.

God is awesome. He has worked out every obstacle for my highest good and blocked each flaming arrow sent my way to distract me. God has blessed me with abundance, new perspectives, and all the tools required for the next part of the journey. Most importantly, He’s given me insight into the woman He has called me to be!

There may be parts of me still afraid of the unknown, still hesitant to let go of the illusion of control and put all my faith in God’s plan over my own, yet there’s a bit of an adrenaline rush that comes with trusting God with all of our heart. At least that’s how I feel! There’s excitement in preparing for what God has for us because it’s always good despite its outward packaging and timing. There’s safety in knowing God will catch us if we fall and will light the way if we get lost. I’m realizing the unknown doesn’t have to be scary and daunting when we put our faith and true hope in the Lord.

I’ve been able to find restoration (and much more) living for God, accepting His love, and taking leaps of action on faith. If only I’d known that I’d be here earlier…but life isn’t meant to be picture perfect. God’s job isn’t to make our life comfortable. Sometimes our character needs refining and our faith needs adjusting. We can be stubborn, too, but there is certainly wisdom to be found in the most challenging of situations. After all, spiritual strength must be developed as a warrior of Light.

Faith And Optimism Will Get You Far

I pray your faith brings you to new heights, new places, and new ideas. I pray you’ll be given a glimpse at who you were meant to be through your efforts in Jesus’ name. Remember you only need a small amount of faith for your unique journey with Christ to begin and to be renewed.

Allow the process of transformation and restoration to take place. When you look back in a few years, you’ll be glad you didn’t stay wherever you may be today. Keep trekking on. The journey awaits!

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
