Poem: The Lord Is Faithful

Put Your Trust In God

This poem is inspired by Psalm 89:8-9 which reads: “O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.”

As I reading the entirety of Psalm 89, these verses stood out to me the most as I imagined a once roaring sea suddenly stilled by the hand of God Almighty.

His faithfulness is always to be found throughout history and even now. Despite how the external world changes and sways, God forever remains the same. It doesn’t matter how far we’ve strayed from Him. He welcomes us home with grace and mercy. Although we are scolded for our unfaithfulness in some ways, His correction is necessary and out of love. It may be unpleasant to go through the process of repentance, but in the end it is worth surrendering our lives to Him. It isn’t worth it to be away from our Heavenly Father. After all, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom as it says in Proverbs 9:10.

I’ve been putting my faith in God like never before. I challenge you to do the same and journal your experiences. Has God ever led us down the wrong path? No, but we can certainly find it hard to trust in His plans anyway! As long as we keep on the righteous path, it will surely get easier.

As I continue to study God’s Word and continue to trust in Him, I can further understand what it means in Isaiah 55:8: β€œFor My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

We don’t always need to understand the thoughts or plans of God! We aren’t entitled to take a peek at His monthly calendar. However, we can still pray for understanding and greater faith. I admit, I still find myself doubting the Lord when there are raging waters surrounding my boat. I’ve found the less I worry about the high tides and truly remind myself of the power of God, the more at peace I am with everything. God can still those waters at any moment. Trusting in the Lord has proven to me that He is faithful to those who love Him. How have you experienced His faithfulness this year?

On October 30, 2022, I was water baptized at my local church by an amazing pastor. It was exhilarating! I was nervous to officially be making the lifelong commitment to follow Jesus in front of an audience of church members, but I found myself in awe of the Lord. He had been guiding me throughout 2022 to join this church. All I had to do was trust in His plan. I’m glad I did! I’m grateful for the acceptance I’ve found, especially among the women. I never thought I’d be attending church with my husband and we’d actually enjoy the sermons. πŸ™‚

Don’t ignore the call when your wilderness season is up and God leads you to fellowship with believers again. You aren’t meant to isolate yourself forever. God is so good! I want you to know of His goodness, too! Trust in the process ahead, even if it seems scary and you don’t know what to expect.

As I journey towards even greater healing and set forth on new missions, I welcome God to lead me on the path ahead. I commit myself to His will. I entrust Him to still the raging sea around me and be the Light I need when I’m uncertain of which way to travel.

I pray you are well and the poem below blesses you.

Artwork by Angie M.V. [Image Description: Different shades of blue as ocean waves with 2 army green mountains sitting in the background before a dark blue sky and clouds.]

The Lord Is Faithful

You held my hand tightly,

You set my soul on fire again.

You lit the way nightly,

You gifted me more life to spend.

I love you, Lord,

For you are my shield,

I honor you, Lord,

For Heaven you have built.

You were faithful when

I didn’t deserve the Promised Land.

You were merciful when

I could’ve seen the very end.

Oh, the Lord is faithful to us,

He’ll welcome us back home,

Even if we’ve been long gone,

He’ll send the Spirit from His throne.

Oh, the Lord is greater than us,

His children of many generations,

Even if we’ve been a slave to sin,

He’ll guide us through repentance.

Oh, the Lord is higher than us,

He sets foot on every cloud,

Even if we don’t know His plans,

His eternal presence can be found.

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
