Armor Up, End Time Warriors!

A Little Backstory

I was in elementary school when my mother taught me and my siblings to put on our Armor of God. Sometimes we would pretend to put this “invisible” armor on, but usually my mother would read us a Bible story and bless our heads before going to sleep. Religion was my introduction to the spiritual world.

I didn’t fully grasp the concept of spiritual warfare back then. I thought my mother was being weird when she called us children to one room to do this ritual each night. I participated anyway as an avid learner and faithful Catholic, yet this putting on of spiritual armor didn’t last too long.

There was one night my mother told us about demons and darkness. She said they would come after us the more we sought the Light of God. She had encountered them after she played with a Ouija board in her past. I felt something change in the atmosphere immediately upon hearing her story. It was as if those demons did not want to be exposed. She put us to bed as usual that night, this time without our spiritual armor, and a bad feeling came over me.

Instead of feeling more faithful to God and ready to battle with the Holy Spirit, I felt powerless and began to lose faith. I couldn’t shake the feeling that demons were after me. It was as if they were waiting for me to be weak. No matter how much I loved God and would sing songs of praise to Him, I started to become less capable of doing His work. I started to question God and whether a faith-filled life was for me.

After a few months of constant anxiety, I thought to myself, “Who wants to be attacked by demons? I don’t want to hear about God anymore if this is what my life will be like!”

I remember I had strong faith until this point in time. I had a nightmare soon after this fear took over me that two big wolves would chase me down to a dry cliff where I had to choose death by wolf, or death by jumping into a narrow creek with jagged rocks. I had the same exact nightmare as an adult during the darkest times of my life. I chose to jump into the creek both times. There was no way I was going to be eaten alive by wolves! I would see myself plummet to the bottom of the cliff, with the sound of growling wolves in the background, and would wake up a second before I died.

In another blog post, I briefly mentioned a dream where I was “killed off” by the people who I thought loved me. Here’s some more detail. I was assassinated in this dream by someone in a crowd of cheering people. I heard a gun shot close to my head while waving to the people and woke up in panic. That dream caused me to hide myself and vow to never be in the public eye despite all the talent God had gifted me with. That was an early attack on my mind, my destiny, and my faith life.

Those attacks were the beginning of a lifetime battle I would be facing as an anointed child of the Most High. I kept having nightmares and lived in a constant state of fear for the rest of elementary school. By middle school, I couldn’t fall asleep without my CD player on and had lost interest in developing a deeper relationship with God despite still going to church with my family. Often feelings of paranoia had me awake at 2AM, afraid to make any movement or open my eyes in the dark. I was afraid to pray as I thought the demons would hear me and choose to attack me more. I had become cowardly and unable to defend myself in the unseen realm.

Are Demons Real?

Is spiritual warfare real? Are demons real? Is there a spiritual battle happening behind the scenes that affects us, our government leaders, and the people we love? Can people attract and entertain demons?

The answer is yes!

You can ask other Christians and non-believers who’ve had similar experiences facing demons and encountering the paranormal. You can remain skeptical if you wish. I’m only here to inform those who wish to be informed, or at least are curious, on this spiritual manner.

I have seen things with my physical eyes, heard voices inside of my head, as well as felt spirits attack me physically. I have seen terrible things in my dreams that would probably inspire the horror movie industry.

I rarely opted to watch scary movies, even as an adult, so I know these supernatural encounters were more than just youthful imagination. I wasn’t even allowed to have certain items (magic cards) or watch certain movies (Harry Potter, rated-R movies, etc.) living in a Roman Catholic home. These demonic attacks were brought on by several things, including my curiosity in those things my mother tried to warn me about.

Without deeper knowledge of the spiritual realm I became seduced by the darkness. My fear became hunger for higher wisdom and a need to protect myself from these spiritual attacks.

Steadily I became rebellious against God and curious about other spiritual beliefs. I loathed living to the point of suicidal ideation. I was targeted by darkness. I didn’t know why until I researched more into the topic these last few years. I thought I was crazy as doctors fed me prescriptions to subdue these feelings and help me live a “normal” life. By the grace and healing of God I’m free of those medications now!

What Is Spiritual Warfare?

Why was someone sheltered like me getting attacked persistently by the demonic realm? Why would a girl who goes to church regularly be a prime target? Do you know why you yourself experience warfare? Are you breaking generational cycles? If you relate to any of these reasons below, you definitely need to put on your spiritual armor daily as you may have an important calling on your life!

The main reasons I was targeted were:

  1. I was a highly sensitive child with prophetic abilities and had come from a long line of dreamers.
  2. I was chosen by God in the womb to break generational curses and heal the trauma brought on by my ancestors. The enemy wanted to kill off the remaining lineage.
  3. I had been chosen by God to lead others out of similar bondage and bring them to the Light of Christ. I had a high calling on my life.
  4. I had high levels of anxiety due to childhood trauma as well as demons assigned to me when I was about 5 years old as I’ve come to learn through fasting and seeking deliverance.

What is spiritual warfare and what does it look like in a person’s life?

Spiritual warfare is when the devil, Satan, tries to destroy and kill our spirit and body by attacking us where we are most vulnerable. Satan does not like the people of God because we can be redeemed through Christ and he can never be. He sends his minions and biggest followers to destroy families, keep people from their true purpose, tempt good people into giving into sinful behaviors, and tries to infiltrate the churches from within through false teachings, false Christians, and weak, money hungry leaders.

Spiritual warfare attacks can come in our sleep through nightmares, lustful dreams, and sleep paralysis. Spiritual attacks can also affect our working ability and job security to throw us into a state of poverty. Some people get attacked in areas of mental health (anxiety, psychosis, addiction), or physical health (sudden sickness without explanation). Some encounter manifestations of demons as children.

It’s a battle that many people face whether or not they are Christian. Often those in the new age movement face spiritual warfare brought on by their own actions of rebellion against God. Most have opened the doors to the demonic realm through their involvement in occult practices and calling upon other gods/goddesses, dead relatives, and fallen angels to “protect ” them.

Spiritual warfare can also be brought on by sexual trauma, family or self involvement in sin, and allowing demonic influences into the home like horror movies, books and video games written by occultists, any type of pornography, Ouija boards, tarot cards, pagan statues, and buying or passing down possessed objects. If you’ve ever had trouble quitting something that is not of God (drugs, fornication, idolatry, etc), you most likely have a dark attachment to it, and it to you!

The truth is the devil doesn’t want you to succeed as a child of God working for His Kingdom. The devil rather see you stuck in poverty due to constant job losses, or unable to start your own company due to lack of confidence and mental health issues. He rather see you physically ill to the point of not being able to carry out your purpose or care for your family. The devil is tricky and will get some to do his dirty work for him through suicide, false accusations leading to imprisonment, and by drug overdose. The devil will even use your friends, especially those with traits of narcissism, to bring your self-esteem down.

Even if you are a “perfect” Christian, you will still have to deal with spiritual warfare on occasion due to the nature of this fallen world. Nobody is immune to spiritual warfare while working for God.

Satan knows we have great power when we live according to the will of the Most High. As people of God we are meant to be powerful, free from the influence of darkness, and able to help others fulfill their calling. Our enemy knows if we were awakened to our power from an early age and started pursuing that path early on, we would be mighty warriors of Light and unstoppable as young adults. We would revive nations to serve God if we stood in our power as the Body of Christ to cast out and bind up demons!

Why is this important? The enemy is currently working overtime. We are nearing the time of the Rapture. The 7 year Tribulation will begin soon enough. Prophecies are coming to pass. It’s important more than ever to fight back now, reclaim your authority as a child of God, repent, and save lost souls!

How To Fight Back

There is hope and a way for you to fight these spiritual battles with the strength and power bestowed to us by the Most High! Demons are highly attracted to unrepentant sinners and children born into sinful families, but you should not be afraid as I was. The Lord has equipped the young and the old to fight!

First, you must keep repenting for your sins (known and unknown). Make it a habit to put on the spiritual armor of God daily before leaving your house or upon waking up. Secondly, you must continue to grow in your faith. Thirdly, never stop pursuing your God-given purpose as that will give you drive.

In Ephesians chapter 6, starting at verse 10, you can read about putting on the armor of God.

Here’s a quick breakdown and prayer that I love to use! I retrieved this from this online source. Feel free to create your own prayer and adjust it to fit your children’s level of understanding. I will be teaching my children about this. I aim to equip them to become God’s Light warriors! Yes, children need to learn to battle in the spiritual realm, especially if you’ve suffered trauma, or if your children are dreamers, highly sensitive to the unseen realm, and have prophetic abilities.

Photo credit:

Educating yourself properly on this matter is not going to harm you!

Do not be discouraged. The enemy wants you to feel hopeless and run from God like I once did.

In Luke 10:19 it states: “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

If Jesus did not want us to learn this stuff, God wouldn’t have had Him cast out demons, teach His disciples how to war against principalities, and He surely wouldn’t have had witnesses to write it down in the Bible!

It says in Isaiah 54:17: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”

By putting your faith in God and in His only begotten Son, you have the power to trample on the enemy and overcome these spiritual battles! Even if you are scared or in disbelief that these things could affect you, continue to study the Bible and cover yourself and loved ones with fervent prayer.

In Romans 8:31 we read: “…If God be for us, who can be against us?”

During these chaotic times, God wants you to know He loves you enough not to forsake you. He is for you! His Son is for you! Freedom and fulfillment is for YOU! Why choose to live oppressed by demons?

Our Father wants you to claim your victory and use your authority in Christ to subdue these demonic forces and their meddling ways. God doesn’t leave us to suffer needlessly. Some trials do strengthen our faith in Him, but we have to do our part as Christians and stay ready for whatever comes our way to destroy us. You are a soldier in the End Time Army!

You may be having sleepless nights, may be experiencing illness, or maybe your entire household is under attack spiritually, but God will be fighting with you. Invite Him into your presence daily and flee from sin. If you’ve been doing these things and still haven’t found a way to successfully combat these demons, seek prayer and deliverance as soon as you can from a church that understands these things.

You can also try self-deliverance by reading books like ‘Prayers that Rout Demons’ and watching YouTube videos by Isaiah Saldivar or Derek Prince.

I’m grateful to my mother for planting the seed of Salvation into my head. While I wish I had learned earlier on how to be completely equipped for the spiritual battles, I can use my experiences to help you and your family to overcome certain darkness. I can encourage you to stand tall and face your battles wisely with the Holy Spirit, with great faith, with never-ending hope, and with fiery courage.

NEVER give up on fighting spiritual warfare and fleeing from sin!

God is proud of you for not running away from your purpose. Your children and your future self will thank you for your fearlessness today. Freedom and Salvation in Christ is for all who claim it, fight for it, and want to meet in Heaven with our Messiah above all else!

All Rights Reserved 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.