Updates + Proverbs 12:28 Scripture Art

A Prosperous September To You All

Greetings to all who visit this blog!

I welcome you in the name of Jesus. Lately I’ve been using His Hebrew name interchangeably in prayer. In praise I sing to Him as Yeshua Ha’Mashiach! It has deepened my love for Him and expanded my gratitude for God, our Heavenly Father, for sending His Son all those years ago.

As some of you know, I have been diligently studying the Bible for the last 8 months as well as completing my Christian Life Coaching certificate for the last 5 months! I feel greatly blessed by God for providing me with such amazing opportunities and for sending me a few Divine Helpers along the way!

Now that I’m officially done with my certificate and practicum, I have plans in motion to open my own Christian coaching business for the daughters of God. However, it may take me a bit longer than I had anticipated to truly launch everything and be in perfect legal standing. I’m in no rush and I trust in God’s timing! Be sure to keep a look out when I announce the official launch sometime in 2023. 🙂

In the meantime, while I relax from taking quizzes, joining Zoom meetings, and writing pages of notes, I plan on spending my September in prayer, flowing with the Holy Ghost, creating new content for Mountain Flower Ministry and this blog, and perfecting my homemaking skills. I’m so excited for what’s to come, but God knows me…He doesn’t want me to burn myself out before the end of the year. I believe that is why He is giving me extra time to relax and level up my faith life! A solid faith life is the foundation of happiness, prosperity, and all kinds of riches!

I am praying that your September is prosperous, full of JOY and Holy Spirit FIRE! Don’t listen to what the world is telling you at this time. There is always hope when God is on our side. No weapon formed against our families shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

As Matthew 10:28 says: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

You have nothing to fear when you work for God, live for God, and LOVE God above all else. Keep up the great work fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Your prayers matter, your voice is heard, and wherever you may be, know that you are strong, and you are making a difference!

God bless!

Proverbs 12:28 Scripture Art

Digitally painted green treetops with a pink sky and a line of white clouds. Scripture art by Angie M.V.

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
