Poem: The Most High’s Victory

The Most High’s Victory

He sits upon Zion, my Father and His throne,

With eagles and angels as the guides of His home.

With eyes that see everything and a mind that knows all,

He watches the universe, now watches men fall.

From mighty to lowly, from the North to the East,

From those on high towers and in their submarines,

The Most High can bring the righteous victory,

With a lift of His finger or a stomp of His feet.

Those who come against Him will soon see they are weak,

Nothing but a bag of bones and a sack of dry meat,

Those who choose to love Him and fight on for His cause,

Will see the Kingdom of Heaven and be welcomed with applause.

For His Word never comes back void for those who keep His laws,

For eternal life is promised, yet all good things have a cost.

What say you, Chosen Ones? Have you fought enough alone?

Have you ever seen a victorious king who never left his throne?

For the God of Heaven is mightier than all the men on Earth!

And when He says His will be done, His enemies will burn!

“The Eyes of Zion” Art by Angie M.V.

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
