Poem: He Will Make Himself Known

Happy August!

We are now in the 8th month of the year 2022. Time sure seems to have flown and the remaining months of this year seem to be sneaking up quickly. I hope you’ve all been well and have had an enjoyable summer (if you’re living on the same side of the hemisphere as me)!

I’m happy to say I enjoyed my month long writing break, but it’s time to get back to blogging business. As you may know, writers need some time to recharge too, but we also secretly write, even when we say we won’t! It’s simply a part of the writer’s calling to write when the moment is right.

I’ve been working on website updates and fresh content to deliver to you all. I hope you enjoy the new layout which will bring out the colors in the artwork I showcase in my posts. Most likely, the color scheme may change a few times before I’m truly satisfied.

Many blessings to those who have been supportive of my new business ventures and creative endeavors! I can’t wait to share the things God has inspired me to do and create.

Until I get the “go ahead” from God to share these new things, please enjoy another spiritual poem of mine. Try to stay sane out there in the world, too! Remember that you can still live a great life without having to sacrifice your morals, your family life, or your health. Continue to have faith, no matter if it’s as small as a mustard seed, and continue to pursue your divine calling with confidence and diligence!

I pray you’ll be able to find peace, inspiration, and love wherever you may be in your spiritual journey. As it says in Psalms 30:5, “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

Hiking adventures lead to cool pictures. 🙂 Photo by Angie M.V.

He Will Make Himself Known

No more will the fire of God be a mystery,

He will surely make Himself known

To those who wish to re-write history,

To those without a throne.

His sons are hungry for justice,

His children cry out with horrendous moans,

Their land has become a waste now,

and clean water there no longer flows.

This will be the wrath of God,

This is how the wicked will go.

This is the plan of the almighty God,

This place will no longer be our home.

No more will the fire of God be hidden,

He will make Himself known and soon

To those who are ready to be transformed,

To those who believe they’re immune.

This will be the wrath of God,

The sunset on man has begun.

This is the plan of the Almighty God

Before He sends His begotten Son!

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
