Poem: Renewal Of The Mind

Abstract Poetry Art by Angie M.V. 2022

The Inspiration For This Blog Post

I hope you enjoy this piece of prophetic poetry, which God has given me the gift of recently.

The artwork above is based on Judgment Day when the Son of Man returns. On that day, His power will be made known to all of those who have repeatedly denied their freedom and have taken the God-given rights of other human beings as well.

The poem is inspired by Romans 12:2: “Do not conform yourself to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.

There is beauty and grace in repentance. There is hope and humbleness in the love of God.

Many blessings! More creations to come soon.

Renewal Of The Mind

Humanity requires a renewal of the mind,

One soul, one leader, one moment at a time…

There is no looking back!

What we had is gone,

There is no holding on

To the nights that were so long

While our troubles increase and our money depletes.

What is considered to be now dead?

Have the people wondered and prepared their beds?

The Truth is becoming harder to ignore,

Love on this land is like the wind, then no more,

Yet God, our Creator sees all deeds of the heart,

And He delivers Justice

Whether you are at the finish or the start.

Humanity is not ready for what God has planned,

He’s warned all the people and little children He can.

Some turned their heads and pretended not to see,

And some went on their phones and put on the TV.

And others quietly exited their scene,

While the message was still burning,

Because they were half-filled with constant yearning.

“We’ve earned it,” God speaks,

“We deserve it and soon!”

Whatever that may mean to many,

Yet humanity is ready to bloom,

But not without the falling of the moon,

Not without more sacrifice,

We must carry our crosses individually to the Light.

The plight is beginning,

The renewal is ready!

Be mindful of the Day,

Repent with eyes heavy,

And God will renew you

Before He sends the wave.

He loves all His people

Who remain with Him in Faith.

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
