Poem: A Heavenly Wish

A Heavenly Wish

[Image Description: Half a mountain with a full moon, clouds, and stars with text that says “A Heavenly Wish” Artwork by Angie M.V.]

I wish to see your face,

the King of all kings,

Yeshua Hamashiac!

O’ how wonderful it must be!

To live amongst the angels

and hear their voices ring,

along with the harp –

David plucking strings.

With eagles soaring in the clouds,

and mountains full of snow,

to step into the golden palace,

leave behind all my sorrow.

And greet the stars above,

to see beyond forever

with a renewed, pure heart,

to feel light as a feather.

To shed not another tear,

never again to live in fear,

to eat at His table, one with the Son,

and enjoy my fair share.

To see my children laughing

with light glowing in their hair,

and watch as they drink wisdom

and bring joy everywhere.

To walk amongst the trees together

in a verdant, abundant land,

and drink from the rivers

that glow, and flow, and bend.

To dance and be merry

with all my forgotten friends,

then sleep surrounded by protection

of Heaven’s mighty hand.

O’ Yaweh I long to be

under your refuge, your wonder,

in your eternal place of rest,

blessed in your Kingdom of splendor!

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
