Poem: The Path Opens Before Me

The Path Opens Before Me

I welcome true love and real bliss,

I desire connection through kiss.

I seek first love within myself,

I am here as Light to support and help.

I accept the Truths I was unwilling to see,

I know the path calls me to lead,

To face the fears of my illusions,

To know God brings no confusion.

To feel again with my heart,

To find the ones with creative spark,

To wake them up to deeper art,

A fresh clean slate,

Their brand new start.

-Angie M.V.

Purple Mountain Way “I know the path calls me to lead” poetry art by Angie M.V.

Reflective Soul Journal Prompts:

Feel free to spend some time writing your responses in a journal and/or reflecting on these questions during your next meditation. If one bullet point stands out to you the most, then take it as a sign to work on that area of your life. Thank you for being here with me on this spiritual journey. Enjoy your reflecting time! 🙂

  • If God gave you a path out of self-destruction, and the only cost was to live in your authentic truth and never return to harming yourself or others, would you take it? What would be the hardest part of living in your authentic truth? What self-destructive habits have you had to battle in this lifetime?
  • If God gave you all the resources and skills to bring healing to the world and/or help others the way you’d like to, what would be one blockage that would keep you away from God’s mission? Do you believe you can make a difference in someone’s life? Why, or why not?
  • Imagine you’ve asked for a new life, a new way of being, or a new road to take. Now imagine it all there in the distance. You see a new path. It’s the one you hoped would appear for many months. You sense a light nudging you to move towards it, but you become doubtful if it’s meant for you. The light beckons your heart greatly to take the opportunity to travel somewhere entirely new and live an even more abundant life. All that is required now is for you to take the steps towards and down the newly formed way. What path has been laid out before you, and do you wish to take it? Where do you hope it takes you?

1 Corinthians 4:20 – “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
