Poem: Autumn Sun Rises


“Autumn sun rises,

a chilled wind dances lightly,

silence sweeps my mind.

Colors catch my eye,

I stand in awe of the trees,

red and orange leaves.

Ripples in the lake,

create sparkles from the sky,

the motion of life.

My heart full of joy,

as flowers whisper to me,

stories of their time…”

Written and created by: Angie M.V.

[Image Description: Green, yellow, and orange abstract hills lay in the background with light, blue skies and small white clouds. A field of flowers and a blue, rippled lake take up the rest of the canvas space.]

Thank you for reading!

Stay ready for your blessings. Use your intuition. Stay safe and healthy out there. Peace, love, and light. <3

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
