Artwork by Angie M.V.

Poem: Inner Artist

A poem and piece of art for all of those who know their purpose is to create and share their wonderful mind. Don’t give up because you feel your work isn’t needed. Art is healing, art is universal, art is meant to be shared, art is innate. This world needs more faith-centered creators. The world needs more love.

[Image description: Red background with blue and red scribble shapes off-centered with a pale, white-blue left corner. Created by: Angie M.V.]

Poem: Inner Artist

Sitting stuck inside the walls,

Confinement weighs them down,

And although they hear the call,

A voice takes reign with crown.

“You could never make money.”

“Your work is such crap!”

“You’re better off alone.”

“Sell your soul and then slack.”

The earth begs for creation,

From the hands that still kill,

Yet the children become muted,

Imagination their shill.

The words that could save many

Become lost in translation,

Their inner artist pushed aside

For salary and stagnation.

The colors that could’ve healed,

Now spill onto the floor

In the form of beer and blood,

Their soul loves no more.

It’s shame they withheld

Such beauty inside,

Born gifted yet mistreated,

Fuel added to the fire.

The death of such artists

Begins early in life,

Seeds of jealousy infused,

Surrounded by lying eyes,

A hatred towards them

From places they viewed as safe,

Even God witnessed their struggles,

Tried to take them all away.

But that voice became stronger,

More convincing each day,

When they were down and out,

People mocked their deep pain.

This lack of support

All stemmed from the day,

They decided to paint, find joy,

Instead of obey.

This harsh world has turned

Red hearts into grey,

Blue skies into yellows,

Pure intentions into rage.

-angie m.v.

A quote for you:

“Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread, through shadows to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight.” -J.R.R Tolkien

Keep shining! You are one bright star! 🙂

Copyright 2022. Angie Vargas.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.