Poem: Carry On

Carry On

If you must carry on,

give your Self the tools,

it is worth all the while.

Place your worries here,

inside of the coffin,

rise from the dead, now

create more often.

Here’s your second chance,

or perhaps, it is your third,

the wind is swiftly calling,

why haven’t you heard?

There is trouble on the mainland,

yet is it absurd –

to feel so at peace

while the old world burns?

-angie m.v.

Thanks for stopping by!

Many blessings to my fellow writers, artists, creators, friends, and supporters!

Peace & Light 😀

Description: Light pinkish background with doodle lines portraying angels merging 3D, 4D, & 5D timelines by splitting the earth.
“The Great Dimensional Shift”
Art by Angie M.V. Copyright September 21, 2021

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
