Night Sky Photo by Angie M.V.

Consistency Equals Impact

“Night Sky in July” Photo taken by: Angie M.V. 2021

Unleash Your Power

I think we often forget how much power we truly possess.

Even if we don’t think we are “forgetting” our power, we can be distracted from it. These distractions can keep us away from enhancing and using our abilities.

Daily life requires us to multi-task and juggle many human responsibilities. We may be doing a lot of work (inner and outer) at the present moment. We may be feeling intensely at the present moment. With the world in the process of an entire shift, there is a multitude of energy out there to harness and explore. There is a plethora of energy to get lost in as well.

There is an underlying message that in order to unleash your power and really focus on your goals, you must slow down a bit. You have to take a step back when things become overwhelming. We often don’t make great decisions when we are panicking or feeling under pressure.

Something I’m learning is that we need to make choices when we are in alignment. We also need to make choices that are in harmony with what is good for us on a soul level. Otherwise, we aren’t really using our power and intuition to enhance our life. We are using it to simply continue to play this Matrix game. And now, isn’t this level of Earth getting boring? I want to see humanity thrive, not be divided.

To unleash our power, there needs to be a certain trust in God and in our highest Self. Trust that God sees your efforts. Trust God will catch you when take that leap of faith. Trust in the Holy Spirit for it has guided you all this way. There is no other place you can be but here (physically). Today is a gift.

What does unleashing your power look like?

Some surprising examples may be:

-singing or speaking in front of an audience when you’re nervous

-standing up for yourself when someone tries to gaslight you

-managing your anger in a situation you normally wouldn’t

-showcasing your artwork to your friends

-finally taking that first step towards your fitness goals

-choosing to see the lesson during difficult times

-leaving toxic relationships and nurturing yourself

-choosing healthy coping mechanisms

You might think these are ordinary choices, but the emotions and energetic vibrations that come with unleashing your power (even in small doses) is potent. These emotions hold energy. Energy is currency in the spiritual realm. The more energy you have, the more you can do for your Self, God, and others!

Perhaps you’re holding off on something because you’re gaining the energy and/or confidence. That’s perfectly all right! Yet don’t get stuck in “rest” out of fear. In order for anyone to better their skills and abilities, they must be put to use. They must be harnessed and worked with. Your weaker points need to be strengthened, especially as a Healer or an Empath. (When I say there is a shift happening currently, I’m talking a BIG SHIFT at this time collectively on Earth. Take heed of this message for the future.)

There needs to be a balance here, I feel. Some of you may be working to balance yourself. Unleashing too much of your power at once can feel exciting and like you’re a superhuman warrior! If you’re soaking up Light Codes, taking care of business, and doing the spiritual work, it can easily exhaust you. Even though I’ve grown more comfortable with my energy and gifts, I have to make sure my human body can handle the work.

If you are distracted from your spiritual work (even from your self-care) at this time, perhaps it’s time to get back to your daily and weekly practices.

Distractions could be keeping you from becoming a millionaire, the next big artist, or that person you’ve always dreamed of stepping into. Distractions are side quests we can choose to take, but is it worth the (sometimes measly) rewards?

If you’re getting the call to get started on that side hustle or creative adventure, work with what you have at the present moment. Be grateful for small opportunities to level up your skills.

Your hard work will pay off. Remember God doesn’t work on the same timeline as us humans and our egos. God doesn’t deliver blessings with 2-day shipping and text notifications.

Focus, my friends. Come back to the present moment. Come back to God.

What is it you truly wish to bring into fruition?

How can you unleash a little bit of your God-given power each day?

Don’t underestimate the impact of consistency!

Angie Vargas. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.