Angelic Realms Artwork by Angie M.V.

Poem: Wielding Light

Wielding Light

Studying fright,

duty calls,

equal Darkness,

each Starseed crawls.

No time to bawl,

it’s time to run!

Look towards the shining sun,

go within the secret moon,

ask for a light code, or two,

then Wield the Sword of Truth and Love.

Listen, witness,

Archangels above!

The trumpet sounds,

We’re wielding Light.

Not newfound,

the storm soon strikes.

Prepare for battle,

while those who sleep,

are drawn like cattle,

no need to grieve.

Their judgment is babble,

Their ego is weak.

You are awakened!

Now let Spirit lead.

-angie m.v.

Artwork inspired by Golden Energy felt by the Sun and the Light felt in Angelic Realms.

Prophetic Messages

In times of uncertainty, us Light workers must stand our ground against forces that wish to separate, imbue violence, and muddy our thinking.

Protect your energy. Hold on to your Faith. Let go of the “need to save” others who do not wish to be saved. Everyone serves a purpose here, whether in 3D, or 5D.

It’s time for the Chosen Ones to harness their own powers and use them for their own healing. In healing yourself, reconnecting with God, and ascending your lineage, you will be able to heal many. The collective needs us to wield and to hold the light.

There can be no darkness without the light, however, balance must be restored on this planet.

Will you be the one to further divide humanity?

Ask for courage! Many are with you at this time.

As Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi once said, “You’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view….The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe.”

Keep that quote in mind and question/research everything. Become the investigator of your life! And always know, if you want the truth, be prepared to find it.

Much love, and…

May the 4th Be With You!

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.