Flame Dance Artwork by Angie M.V.

Poem: Be The Dancing Flame

Be the Dancing Flame

Service to humanity requires sacrifice,

a flame lit in the darkest of all nights.

The match you might have to strike,

may be the one that causes paralyzing fright.

What’s more frightening than not doing what is right?

Keeping yourself warm with insecurity,

that’s holding yourself hostage, not security.

Who told you it was better to play this life small?

What is holding you back from trying your best at all?

Do not let the judgements of others be your only downfall.

Maybe they weren’t ever meant to understand

what God has given you in the palm of your hand.

Weakness is perspective, and Wisdom is subjective,

not everyone is built to withstand being elected

for the next generation, the next collective.

You made it this far through tragedy and rejection,

you’ve held your head higher than the top of Mount Everest.

They said it was a weakness to set fire to your passions,

but let me say, a lot of them are probably just jealous

they can’t find the strength, or an ounce of your courage,

and instead of taking inspiration from your mission,

they claim something’s wrong with your dream vision.

No monetary compensation will fill the void of a voyager,

it runs hot in one’s blood, heated up like a boiler.

No matter how many people say, you don’t have what it takes,

set your sails high, and laugh off your mistakes.

It takes time to know your purpose, time is still ticking today.

Let the world be a witness to your Super Hero cape,

it’s all right to shine, be a hero, but it does take a trade.

All eyes on you as you keep sorry excuses at bay,

leaving comfort zones behind as you make your way,

knowing when to rest, and when to step up your game.

Would you rather die in the spotlight as a no name?

I think deep down we know, we rather be the dancing flame

than to stay the dimmed down version with only ourselves to blame.

-angie m.v.

Poetry inspired by Undefeated Speaker on YouTube, as well as my own journey stepping into the Light.

Angie Vargas. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
