Palo Duro Canyon Photo by Angie M.V.

What Is It YOU Desire?

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, Photo by Angie M.V. ~2017

Breaking Free

There comes a time in our life when we must choose.

We must choose how to live the rest of our days. We must choose how we wish to succeed. At some point, we have to realize, it is truly up to us to live a fulfilled life. There is no one else who will do the work for you. There isn’t a soul out there who can embody your essence, your unique perspective, and Divine gifts. It is time to break free from all of our limiting beliefs. There is no reason we should suffer more than we already have as humans. Now is the time to go after what we truly desire.

Breaking free is scary when we’ve been limiting ourselves. Breaking free is not easy when we’ve formed habits to keep our Ego safe and secure. It is uncomfortable being a beginner, and often we can find ourselves avoiding a fresh start, or self-sabotaging along the way.

There is nothing wrong with admitting to yourself that you are slightly intimidated by the possibility of failure AND success. We are all a little afraid of the unknown.

What if I embarrass myself? What if I am “wrong”? What if I have to sacrifice the things I love now in order to move forward? What if I end up disliking what I create and have to start over again?

These are questions that often pop up for me. I’m sure they appear in your “mental feed” from time to time. Especially after a world wide pandemic. There is a lot of uncertainty still lingering.

Well, I want you to challenge these thoughts. Even if it seems like a tough love lesson you’re giving to yourself. Even if we break down and feel defeated, we have to push ourselves to continue to grow. We are like seeds in soil. We have to challenge our limiting beliefs and face them like warriors to see the Light. We are strong. We are all built for our Destiny.

Ask yourself these questions instead:

How do you envision your life to be as an elder? What “legacy” do you wish to leave? What sort of stories will you want to be remembered by? What keeps you afraid to reach your potential? Who put the idea in your head that you are not good enough to be happy and live the life you’ve been aching for? Do you know you are a powerful being? If money wasn’t in existence, what would you be doing today? What is it YOU truly desire?

Imagine all the people you could inspire and help too. Could you be the person to spark a change in someone else? Could you be the person that creates something so beneficial, that it changes the lives of many? Could you imagine if we all did this together? We would live in a very different world if we all chose to live up to our potential and use our Divine gifts.

Silence the mental chatter. Silence the negative thought patterns. Silence your fears. They only have power when we fuel them with our Life Force.

You deserve to break free from whatever is weighing you down and keeping you stuck. You deserve great health, a truly fulfilling relationship, that dream job, a good community, and all you desire. Only you know what it is that fulfills you. It doesn’t have to be just material items. Do not let anyone tell you your desires are selfish or impossible when you know deep in your heart where your Destiny lies. I think we all know what serves our Greatest Good and the Greater Good. We may have to dig deep to find it. We may have to be our own boss, our own fire, and our own support system.

However, when we wake up each day, knowing we have the power to create change, we begin to recharge our spirit, and connect with God in profound ways. When we realize we have everything we need to take the next steps, even the smallest of steps, every day is an opportunity to move in a positive direction.

If you are reading this, you have been guided here for a reason.

Has the Holy Spirit been talking to you through your dreams, through random occurrences, or through other people? God isn’t shy about letting us know when it is time to break free. By resisting, you only fight yourself and waste your energy. By resisting, you might magnetize the opposite of what you desire. Perhaps that is God’s way of getting our attention.

Of course, we have free will. We don’t really have to do anything. It really is up to us how we wish to live. There are only consequences of our actions, and we are the only ones who will feel it in the end.

The choice is always yours to make. What do you desire? Where does the desire come from? How can you make it happen?

Remember to be patient with yourself in the process. As a beginner, we are bound to make errors, but it’s how we learn.

No matter where you are today, know you have the power to begin, and begin again, if you have to. There is no obstacle in our way greater than our own doubts and fears. Have Faith, take the steps, and your drive to succeed will remain with you, even when life gets tough.

Texas Sky with Crescent Moon, Photo by Angie M.V. 2018

Poetry of March 2, 2021

Thank you for reading and choosing to be here. I hope I have inspired you in some way. Please enjoy some poetry below. Many blessings to you! Have a wonderful day/night! <3


Step by step,

I lead the way,

Hand in God’s

For Strength I pray.

Give me Courage,

The loyalty,

To create for me

My Royalty.

The things I deserve

Are not out of reach,

The love I desire,

Is now within me.

I am ready

For a better life,

I am ready

To come out of strife.

I aim for the Greatest Good,

The time is now,

It’s understood,

I choose Freedom.

-angie m.v.

Writing and photos by Angie M.V. Do not use without permission from the creator. Thank you!

Angie Vargas. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.