Poem: Our Earth Is Our Gold

This Earth

“This Earth is not ours/ We cannot claim land we do not own/ Here it is shared space/ Amongst birds, trees, and Unknown/ Here we are given gifts/ Given opportunities to stand on our own/ Given Love from above/ Given the freedom to roam/ Mother Earth owes us nothing/ Mother Earth only provides/ She is beauty and wonder/ She is the Fire in our lives/ She is the Water in our tears/ She is the Air we so breathe/ She is the Earth we are granted permission/ To walk, to be, to dream/ This Earth is one home/ Although not a permanent dwelling/ Our Earth is like gold/ Our happiness in ocean scenes/ And when those who are granted this wisdom/ Return to New Earth again/ The one’s who are still sleeping/ Will wake to Son and mend.”

-angie m.v.

Have a blessed day! <3

Angie Vargas. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
