Poem: Out of Shadow

“Entangled” Artwork by: Angie M.V. 2021

Out of Shadow

On the path towards freedom, towards balance, and Light,

on the way out of Shadow and paralyzing fright,

we may find ourselves entangled in the illusions of the Mind.

In these moments, breathe,

your heart, relatively easy to find

beating wildly underneath Uncertainty’s hide.

We’ve become aware of our surroundings,

and now we’re alive!

Why are we so frightened?

All wars won are meant to be a token of Strength,

but the real enemy is the one we individually face,

if it finds the door unlocked, it’ll walk right in,

and with many faces, it’s important to

use your intuition!

The false sense of security

we have desperately tried to keep as humans

is now out of reach, there has been an internal breach,

the pathways are now infinite, and ever expanding.

Hold the image of peace.

All the veils are slipping.

-angie m.v.

Copyright 2022 Angie Vargas

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.
