Courageous Steps

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

A Desire for More

What does it take for us to go after what we truly want? Do we know our worth and power? How long are we willing to let life slip by before we decide to be courageous and work for what we want?

Perhaps, some of us are afraid to succeed. I certainly have had plenty of times where my form of self-sabotage was procrastination! I was comfortable with “trying” to reach my goals. I wasn’t comfortable actually reaching them. When I would get close to finishing a project, I’d start looking at memes instead of writing or uploading videos. When I’d notice results from a workout program, I’d begin to feel unmotivated.

I’m sure whatever it is that causes you to lose motivation or self-sabotage can be frustrating. We desire to have the best life for ourselves. We want what we want. When we believe we can have more, this can cause us to take swift action. We have to work hard, at least in the beginning, to lift our ideas off the ground. What holds us back? We can ponder on that forever. The truth is, a lot of us know what (or who) holds us back.

What drives us beyond our level of motivation each day? What keeps us on our path to success? What truly overflows our cup with happiness?

A desire for more fulfillment isn’t selfish. A desire for more can lead us to complete transformation and healing. God didn’t create us to be less than we were meant to be. Deciding to level up in life is a bold choice. Are you courageous enough to bring your version of success and abundance to this reality?

Keep Your Courage

It takes courage to want to shift our current reality into one of more abundance. We don’t always know what will challenge us and cause us to experience great growth. Abundance can come in unexpected ways and in unexpected forms. It requires us to face our deepest fears and keep our energy balanced. Applaud yourself for your courage. Allow yourself to feel excitement for what is to come.

Envision the life you want right now. Feel the emotions in your heart space. In this space, you will also find your courage, waiting for you, whenever you need quick access to it.

One way to connect to our courage is to travel within. When we start to feel doubt, exhaustion, or fear it’s important to re-align with our heart center. I used to think we just needed our minds to succeed and create. Have you noticed that our minds are prone to confusion during times of stress or heightened emotion? Confusion can keep us in lack mentality and in old mindsets. Perspectives also shift constantly with this work.

Our hearts, however, can propel us further into the mindset of abundance. Our hearts know the general direction we want to go in, at all times, even when we don’t think so. It senses where our passion lies. A passionate heart and determined spirit can break down our tough mental barriers. When you create with heart instead of overthinking, you develop courage. When you find your courage, keep it!

Remain Confident

Confidence becomes your ally when things are moving slower than expected. Know that setbacks, frustrations, and discipline are a part of developing strength. They are necessary for re-evaluating our desires and plans. I think it’s also God’s way of testing our resolve and whether we have integrated our experiences.

Remain confident in your talents and in your vision. Have confidence when uncertainty greets you. When you have a stressful day, stay confident in the ability to bounce back. Get to know what confidence looks like to you personally.

Note that confidence is not arrogance. It is a knowing, a feeling, that you trust in your unique abilities, and that you will receive your abundance in divine timing. Confident individuals know they can make things happen for themselves (with help from the Most High), and are not afraid of someone else’s version of success.

You’ve Got This

Your success is inevitable when you do the inner and outer work. I think we know when we are truly putting in the effort to change our reality. Each time we fall, we have the power to get back up. Each day we choose to step into our highest potential is a win. Each victory fuels us. Remember setbacks will teach you something. Every time you enter that courageous heart space, and hold yourself accountable for what you want, you are taking action to receive your blessings. Believe you deserve your success!

Focus on going at your own pace. There are no shortcuts here. Shifting perspectives, mindsets, and the way you view yourself is part of the work. Recharge often. Yes, we are natural creators and powerful beings, yet it’s helpful to know our physical, human limits!

With passion, courage, and confidence, there is nothing that can hinder your progress for long. You’ve got this. Move forward in the direction of your true desires. Have the courage to live the life you were meant to have.

Angie Vargas. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Angie is a poet, Christian life coach & wife on a mission to share the transformative power & love of God.